
9月, 2018の投稿を表示しています

atamaiibooks series review

All the titles in the series follow the story map structure illustrated here. In short, the reader starts on page one, reads three pages, then makes their first choice. This choice takes them to another two pages, after which they make another choice. Once again, they read two pages, and make a final choice. This final choice takes them to one of eight different endings. The reader is then given the option to start again and make different choices toward one of the other endings.

atamaiibooks review

This book series is very interesting. It's story is changed by yourself. So, you can enjoy same book for many time. And, these books are writen in easy English. So it is useful for studying English to!


HUNTER IN THE DARKNESS  This story is very interesting. First, I'm a vampire hunter. I fight with my master for a long time. Bat he was killed by a vampire in a day. So I went to kill vampire's boss.  I turn to a village that is scared by vamoire. I hear a villager where vampire's base is. I went there with two young person. One is Asher, another is Lily. When we go there, there is Asher's sister. Bat she is vampire.


Geomagnetic storms can disrupt social infrastructure on Earth; thus, accurate and timely monitoring is required to reduce their future socioeconomic impact . This study compares the planetary geomagnetic disturbance index (KP) with local indices at Fredericksburg (FRD) and Kakioka (KAK) stations. Local K indices at KAK and Cheongyang (CYG) are estimated and validated using indices observed at both stations. We found generally similar correlations between the KP index and the local K indices at FRD and KAK; however, their details differ. The results show that, even when planetary geomagnetic storms are observed, the local K can be smaller than the observed KP. This implies that both KP and local K should be simultaneously monitored . Real-time estimation of local K shows that the estimated K at KAK and CYG correlates well with the observed K. The estimation probability at KAK and CYG, with an error range of ±1, is greater than 98% when the local K is greater than 3. This


 Hello everyone. I'm Kota Shimada. I'm a student at Kumamoto University. I'm from Fukuoka.   I went to Yakiniku yesterday. That was very nice taste, so I ate too much. Then, Iwent to Game center and played UFO catcher. I got a doll and present for a friend. Yakiniku is Japanese traditional culture. There was Sumibiyaki, so very delicious.    Thank you for reading. See you next time.